Peru Trade Stratergy

Deepak kumar
2 min readAug 7, 2019


Peru is considered as the upper-middle-income country, as it stands on 39th rank in the world GDP ranking. The major support system behind the growth of the country is export. Major export partner’s china, United States, Switzerland, South Korea, Spain, and India and the major importers are China, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States.

The major export products are copper, gold, lead, zinc, tin, iron ore, molybdenum, silver, crude and petroleum products, natural gas, coffee, asparagus, and other vegetables, fruit, apparel and textiles, fish meat, fish, chemicals, fabricated metal products and machinery, alloys. The major import products are petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, plastics, machinery, vehicles, color TV sets, power shovels, front-end loaders, telephones, and telecommunications equipment, iron and steel, wheat, corn, soybean products, paper, cotton, vaccines, and medicines. All these kind of static records can be achieved with the help of data market analysis report.

The data analysis helps to analysis the actual status of the company. Peru Custom data which includes Peru import data and Peru export data which will help in analyzing the details of the importers and exporters of the country. This report will get you the information through the Peru Importers Data and Peru Exporters Data. We collect all the statistics of Peru Port data.

Peru has made considerable improvements but, equally important, Members expressed appreciation to Peru for its sincere recognition of where improvements are still lacking. It demonstrates Peru’s clear vision and strong motivation to reach its goals. More generally, this Review has confirmed the benefits of maintaining an open economy, in particular, when, like in Peru, trade is made an integral part of a country’s development strategy. Members commended Peru for its economic resilience during the recent global economic crisis, while recommending that it undertake further structural reforms, enhance investments in infrastructure and human capital, and maintain an open trade and investment regime to improve its competitiveness and productivity, secure sustainable growth, and achieve further progress in the social sphere. Peru continues its policy of gradual economic liberalization with very strong economic growth. The economic growth has been fueled by macroeconomic stability, improved terms of trade, rising investment and consumption. However, Peru faces development challenges, including high poverty and inequality levels; informal economy and underemployment; poor infrastructure and high dependence on minerals and metals exports and imported foodstuffs that subjects the economy to fluctuations in world prices. In this context the key trade issues to be addressed are the high level of centralization of trade and industry in Lima, to materialize trade opportunities from recently signed free trade agreements. The Government is working on reduce poverty levels rate and to continue attracting foreign investment and enhancing SMEs competitiveness. ITC will continue to work in Lima as well as in the different regions of Peru in the areas of TSI strengthening, SMEs competitiveness, and environment and gender.



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